
Saturday, January 29, 2011


either u become a sponge or a stone
wen u hit a sponge it does not get hurt
its emotionless
wen u hit a stone it does not get hurt
its emotionless
u dont get hurt wen u hit a sponge 
BUT u do wen u hit a stone
everyone hit the stone for a while then leave it alone because it hits them back.
everyone continues hitting the sponge because if doesn't hit them back.
the stone is happy...he doesn't  have to bear people now!
the sponge is sad...people are not leaving him alone!
the sponge has decided that he is going to be a stone now!
he changes his decision when they meet a person!
his name is mr.HAMMER!
mr hammer hits both of them.
the stone dies...the sponge survives
to be a sponge or a stone is your choice!


Dipesh Daniel said...

mann i didnt kno u could write so much!!! fantastic work!!!

Nikhil Bose Sangle said...

haha thanks man..many ppl dont understand.
for those who dont...a sponge is a person who listens from one ear n leaves it from the other..
and a stone is someone who listens to the insult from his ear n insults back from his mouth.
and the hammer is somone who the stone cant insult n it breaks.while the sponge stands tall :)

Dipesh Daniel said...

even more deep but when i read was all flashy like a short film ...!!! but really awesome....keep goin ..stay awesome ;)

Nikhil Bose Sangle said...

same to u man..stay awesome :)

Rumela said...

I really liked the verse..
I might disagree with your interpretation though (about the sponge being someone who listens form one ear and the words leave from his/her other ear)
If you notice.. nothing leaves the sponge unless you squeeze it.. so maybe.. a sponge may just keep taking it in... storing in in one of the tiny openings in its vast entirity.. but then again the thought crosses you... how much can it hold.. when will the contents finally overflow from the sponge... when can it hold no longer..?
And also.. the one's who speak.. do they realise how much the sponge holds withing itself.. maybe they realise what a stone holds because the stone often returns what it gets.. unlike a sponge..

I am not taking the side of the stone.. I'd be a sponge any day.. but just think about this..

Also.. wouldn't it have been great.. if we were form-shifters? Stone by day.. sponge by night..? or Sponge by day.. stone in the afternoon and again sponge by night..? Or sponge by day and stone by night.. the possibilities are endless..

Nikhil Bose Sangle said...

i like the shape shifter concept!but i call it a fat wallet...a wallet with lots of money in it...if u are a shape shifter u have a fat wallet :P try reading this ill make more sense
n thatks for a wonderful comment rumu :)